Who is your Toxic Friend?
1) Can this friend make or break your social life?
*Are you afraid to cross her because she has so much power?
*Do you go to great lengths to be part of her group?
2) Is your friend more beaten down by life than you are?
*Is she a drag to be around most of the time?
*Is she annoyingly malleable?
3) Is your friend willing to go out on a limb for you?
*Would you feel guilty if you dumped her?
*Does she secretly use people at times?
4) Is this friend happiest when you’re sad and blue?
*Does she have a worse story than anyone else?
*Has she ditched friends when they get happy?
5) Is this friend oblivious to your needs?
*Is she charming but untrustworthy?
*Is she a social climber?
6) Has this friend ratted you out?
*Do you think you have to have her as a friend?
*Does she pretend she’s happy for you when you know she can ruin you?
7) Is this friend seductive?
*Do you feel like you’re missing out without her?
*Is she a ‘mean girl’ but wired socially?
8) Do you think that you and this friend are ‘twins’?
*Do you share the same thoughts and ideas?
*Is it harder to be close if one of you is changing (a breakup, a move, a new job)?
9) Is this friend someone who forgives?
*Even though this friend is fabulous, can you get burned out?
*Do you tell one another secrets?
l0) Do you know this friend will be there in a pinch?
*Are your values similar?
*Would life be less without this friend?
(Answers are: #1 your friend is a leader, #2 your friend is a doormat, #3 your friend is a sacrificer, #4 your friend is a misery lover, #5 your friend is a user, #6 your friend is your frenemy, #7 your friend is a trophy friend, #8 your friend is a mirroring friend, #9 your friend is a sharer, #10 your friend is an authentic friend)